Sunday, July 24, 2011

Cassel's House

Today we were going to go to Monchengladbach, walk around and check out the shops and buildings, but then found out at breakfast that in Germany, there is no work on Sundays...which meant that we would not be able to find any shops that were open :(
Instead, we took that as a sign that we needed to stick around base and build up our energy for the first day of camp. We also found out that there is a 'Sunday Carving' at Cassel's (where we live), which is a three course meal that was absolutely delicious! It was well worth staying to get a delicious meal for free (since the British Garrisons provide us with three meals a day). 
We felt somewhat lazy part way through the day, so we did a workout from 'Insanity.' It was pretty intense, and made my legs, arms and stomach hurt later on :( I suppose that was good though because we ate A LOT for lunch.
the girls in line for the 'carvery'

some of my delicious food ;)

the adorable sign they made for our table :)

my delicious dessert!

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