Monday, July 25, 2011

Welcome to the Intergalactic Interstellar Mars Space Race Week!

Today was the first day of camp! Surprisingly it went well, with the occasional hiccups here and there. It looks like we are going to have our hands full though, because there are quite a few kids that are going to give us a run for our money! I loved listening to their accents, words we don't use, and how little they are! (We have 4-8 year olds).

When I was in the art room, one of the boys was coloring, or should I say, colouring, and he asked me if I "had a rubber." I didn't know what he meant, because I had never heard of that before, so I asked what he was talking about, and he responded by saying, "you know, something to rub off what you wrote," and I realized he meant an eraser! I was really confused for a few seconds on what he meant, considering that a 'rubber' can mean a multitude of things.

For the first sack lunch that I had, packed by the staff at Cassel's, it was 'turkey salad,' which was roast turkey with lettuce, tomatoes and cheese. It was really good, and hopefully they make sandwiches like that more often that aren't weird like I had been told they could be.

When we got back for supper, we got to have curry! It is delicious and one of the group favorites to eat :) We ended up doing a workout video of hip hop abs tonight because we were so sore from out first day of working out and doing Insanity.

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